Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:
About RGB to Hex
The RGB to Hex Color Converter is a precise, intuitive web tool that transforms Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) color values into corresponding Hexadecimal (Hex) color codes. Perfect for web designers, graphic artists, developers, and anyone working with digital color systems.
Key Features
Instant Conversion: Immediately translate RGB values to Hex codes
Real-Time Color Preview
Displays converted color in a live preview box
Shows both RGB and Hex color representations
Flexible Input Methods
Support for 0-255 integer values
Percentage-based input options
Automatic validation and error handling
Responsive Design: Works seamlessly on desktop and mobile devices
Clipboard Copy: One-click copy of converted Hex code
Color Theory Basics
RGB Color Model
Represents colors using Red, Green, and Blue intensities
Each color channel ranges from 0-255
Combination creates millions of possible colors
Hex Color Codes
Hexadecimal representation of RGB values
Six-character code preceded by # symbol
First two characters represent Red
Next two represent Green
Last two represent Blue
Conversion Formula
Hex = #RRGGBB R = Red value (00-FF) G = Green value (00-FF) B = Blue value (00-FF)